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REMINDER: Nonprofit Corporations Charter Renewal Due December 31, 2015

New Hampshire’s Voluntary Association Law, RSA 292:25, requires all New Hampshire nonprofit corporations to file a return with the New Hampshire Secretary of State, Corporation Division, each year that ends with a “5” or a “0” to renew their charter as a New Hampshire voluntary association. Accordingly, returns are due this calendar year, and registered New Hampshire nonprofit corporations must file the return with the Secretary of State no later than December 31, 2015.

The return form is mailed by the Secretary of State to the principal address of the nonprofit corporation. A return must include the nonprofit corporation’s principal address and the name and addresses of all officers and directors of the nonprofit corporation’s governing board and must be submitted along with a $25 fee. Failure to file a return may result in repeal, revocation, or annulment of the nonprofit corporation’s charter and in loss of the right to use the nonprofit corporation’s registered business name. This filing requirement differs from the charitable trusts’ annual report filings required under RSA 7:28.