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Why RAWA is Unnecessary, Overreaching and Misguided

The March issue of this magazine analyzed the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act” (the “RAWA” or “H.R.707”) and described the severe adverse effects it would have on U.S. lotteries were it to be enacted.  Since then, the arguments for and against the bill have become crystalized.

The main arguments put forth by proponents of the RAWA appear to be these:

  • Existing technology cannot prevent play of games in jurisdictions that have not authorized them, and, as stated by Lyle Beckwith, Vice President of Government Relations for the National Association of Convenience Stores, “there is no enforcement regime to try to make states” stop such out-of-state gambling; and
  • Existing technology cannot prevent play by minors, and state law enforcement is not capable of preventing such illegal wagering.

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